Hquotes About Hope

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  1. The prequel trilogy ends with a loss of hope, so the original trilogy follows on from it with “a new hope.” Here are 10 Star Wars Quotes About Hope. Updated on May 30th, 2020 by Ben Sherlock: With the release of The Rise of Skywalker last year, the Skywalker saga that began with Anakin, continued with Luke, and concluded with Rey finally.
  2. 10 Enduring Christian Quotes About Hope. He that lives in hope danceth without music. – George Herbert. Hope means hoping when things are hopeless, or it is no virtue at all As long as matters are really hopeful, hope is mere flattery or platitude; it is only when everything is hopeless that hope begins to be a strength.
  3. 17 great quotes about Hope from books and poems.Collected by Regina Kenney “You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.”― William Faulkner “HopeSmiles from.
  4. Explore the best of Quotes About Hope, as voted by our community. Download free high quality (4K) pictures and wallpapers with Quotes About Hope. Updated for 2021.
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Even a few cheerful words of hope, said in an appropriate moment, will remind you of your expectations! Inspirational quotes on hope are a good alternative to all insincere “words of support” from your detractors. Christian quotes about hope and love are the way to awaken a sense of expectation inside of you.

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Quotations about Hope

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Quotes About Hope And Love

What is Hope? a star that gleaming
O'er the future's troubled sky,
Struggles, tremulously beaming,
To reveal what there may lie.
~R.A.P., 'Hope,' in Southern Literary Messenger, December 1840
Hope may play traitor at times, but she is so agreeable that we forgive her offences for the sake of her company. ~Minna Thomas Antrim (1861–1950), Phases, Mazes, and Crazes of Love, 1904
You find hope the way you find happiness — you give it to someone else and borrow a little of it back. ~Robert Brault, rbrault.blogspot.com
The oil of hope makes life's machinery run smoothly. ~James Lendall Basford (1845–1915), Sparks from the Philosopher's Stone, 1882
[A]mong the decay of expectations and the mangled relics of happiness, hope blossoms and shines at once a flower and a star. ~Henry James Slack (1818–1896), The Ministry of the Beautiful, 'Conversation I: The Cavern,' 1850[Lyulph speaking —tεᖇᖇ¡·g]
Where hope would otherwise become hopelessness, it becomes faith. ~Robert Brault, rbrault.blogspot.com
Hope whispers from every hyacinth-bell... ~Elizabeth Holmes, 1830
When darkness gathers round the soul,
Deep melancholy black as night,
Ev'n then Hope whispers thro' the gloom,
Fear not, for it will yet be light.
~David Thomson (1806–1870), 'Hope'
When the world says, 'Give up,'
Hope whispers, 'Try it one more time.'
~Author unknown
'Hope' is the thing with feathers –
That perches in the soul –
And sings the tune without the words –
And never stops – at all....
~Emily Dickinson, c.1861
The wings of hope carry us, soaring high above the driving winds of life. ~Ana Jacob, @anajacob, May 2011 entry to The Quote Garden create your own quote contest on Twitter, @quotegarden
The miserable have no other medicine
But only hope.
~William Shakespeare, Measure for Measure, c.1604 [III, 1, Claudio]
If you knew that hope and despair were paths to the same destination, which would you choose? ~Robert Brault, rbrault.blogspot.com
Hope is the feeling we have that the feeling we have is not permanent. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960
Lord save us all from old age and broken health and a hope-tree that has lost the faculty of putting out blossoms. ~Mark Twain, letter to Joe T. Goodman, 1891
When hope is hungry, everything feeds it. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960
Hope is putting faith to work when doubting would be easier. ~Author unknown
I will never willingly destroy a solitary human hope. ~Robert G. Ingersoll
Here's to Hope! — the child of Care,
And pretty sister of Despair,
Here's hoping that Hope's children shan't
Take after their Grandma or Aunt!
~Oliver Herford, c.1903
It is the first purpose of hope to make hopelessness bearable. ~Robert Brault, rbrault.blogspot.com
HOPE is a draft on the future. Sometimes honored, but usually extended indefinitely. ~Josh Billings, revised by H. Montague
Five of the sweetest words in the English language begin with H, which is only a breath — Heart, Hope, Home, Happiness, and Heaven. Heart is a hope-place, and home is a heart-place; and that man sadly mistaketh, who would exchange the happiness of home for anything less than heaven. ~The Youth's Companion, 1853
There is a state of denial called hope which is usually more productive than the state of denial called despair. ~Robert Brault, rbrault.blogspot.com
All it takes is one bloom of hope to make a spiritual garden. ~Terri Guillemets
HOPE.—A Phœnix singing upon its funeral pile. ~'A Chapter of Definitions,' Daily Crescent, 1848 June 23rd
Hope rises like a phoenix from the ashes of shattered dreams. ~S.A. Sachs
everything would
be all right —
from the ashes
hope was aflame
~Terri Guillemets, 'From the ashes,' 2019, blackout poetry created from Rafe Martin, Birdwing, 2005, pages 120–121
'Tis a wreath of sunny flowers;
On the future's brow it twines;
Culled in love's own roseate bowers,
Fresh with sparkling dew it shines.
~R.A.P., 'Hope,' in Southern Literary Messenger, December 1840
The wings of hope belong to a dove best left to fly free. ~Taylor Schwab, @taylorloverobot, May 2011 entry to The Quote Garden create your own quote contest on Twitter, @quotegarden
We make our lives out of chaos and hope. And love. ~Bones, 'Mother and Child in the Bay,' original airdate 2006 September 6th, spoken by the character Angela Montenegro, writing credits S.Nathan, H.Hanson, K.Reichs, and N.Hawley
Hope is a roving gypsy
With laughter on her tongue,
And the blue sky and sunshine
Alone, can keep her young;
And year by year she lingers
Under a budding tree...
~Dora Read Goodale, 'The Chorus,' in Country Life in America: A Magazine for the Home-maker, the Vacation-seeker, the Gardener, the Farmer, the Nature-teacher, the Naturalist, April 1902
Hope is the physician of each misery. ~Irish proverb
Lose hope, friends, if you must. But all you’re going to find is poetry. ~Eric Jarosinski, @NeinQuarterly, tweet, 2019['And from there make your way back again' (jack b kohler, @wwwordsss) –tg]
Hope comes in many forms. ~David Chase, The Sopranos, 'The Sopranos,' original airdate 10 January 1999, spoken by the character Jennifer Melfi
Hope.— Pandora brought the box containing evils and opened it. It was the gift of the gods to men, a gift of most enticing appearance externally and called the 'box of happiness.' Thereupon all the evils, (living, moving things) flew out: from that time to the present they fly about and do ill to men by day and night. One evil only did not fly out of the box: Pandora shut the lid at the behest of Zeus and it remained inside. Now man has this box of happiness perpetually in the house and congratulates himself upon the treasure inside of it; it is at his service: he grasps it whenever he is so disposed, for he knows not that the box which Pandora brought was a box of evils. Hence he looks upon the one evil still remaining as the greatest source of happiness — it is hope.— Zeus intended that man, notwithstanding the evils oppressing him, should continue to live and not rid himself of life, but keep on making himself miserable. For this purpose he bestowed hope upon man: it is, in truth, the greatest of evils for it lengthens the ordeal of man. ~Friedrich Nietzsche, No. 71, 'History of the Moral Feelings,' Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits, 1878, translated by Alexander Harvey, 1908
God sends the dawn
that we might see
the might-have-beens
that still might be.
~Robert Brault, rbrault.blogspot.com
The birds of hope are everywhere — listen to them sing. ~Terri Guillemets
Who thinks, at night, that morn will ever be?
Who knows, far out upon the central sea,
That anywhere is land? And yet, a shore
Has set behind us, and will rise before:
A past foretells a future...
~Bayard Taylor, 'First Evening'
Hope is a great perspective picture-painter, whose work appears dauby and unfinished when submitted to Reason's close inspection. ~James Lendall Basford (1845–1915), Seven Seventy Seven Sensations, 1897
It is the around-the-corner brand of hope that prompts people to action, while the distant hope acts as an opiate. ~Eric Hoffer, 'Popular Upheavals in Communist Countries,' The Ordeal of Change, 1952
Hope is a strange invention –
A Patent of the Heart –
In unremitting action
Yet never wearing out....
~Emily Dickinson, c.1877
The destruction of ideals, whether those ideals were right or wrong, must also have been a shock to the mind and the heart. Life without idealism is empty indeed. We must have hope as we must have bread; to eat bread without hope is still slowly to starve to death. ~Pearl S. Buck
Hope is a walk through a flowering meadow. One does not require that it lead anywhere. ~Robert Brault, rbrault.blogspot.com
Hope is grief's best music. ~Author unknown
Hope is a choice of courage. ~Terri Guillemets
Hope is an inconstant pleasure, arising from the idea of something past or future, whereof we to a certain extent doubt the issue. Fear is an inconstant pain arising from the idea of something past or future, whereof we to a certain extent doubt the issue. From these definitions it follows, that there is no hope unmingled with fear, and no fear unmingled with hope. ~Benedict de Spinoza (1632–1677), translated from the Latin by R.H.M. Elwes, 1889
Hope is that lone bloom in the desert when you can see nothing else but sand. ~Terri Guillemets
Hope and fear are Siamese twins. ~Charles Searle, Look Here!, 1885
Hope is much like a cat in the Dark — you only know it's there by the reflection of its eyes — which means there is Light nearby. ~Terri Guillemets
Hope peers beyond the sunset gate,
And sees heaven ope, with clearest eye;
In Sorrow's sombre vale we wait,
Till Love translates us to the sky...
~Luther G. Riggs, 'Hope and Fear,' c.1884[Riggs was an editor and the poet-paragrapher of the Chicago Daily Sun. —tεᖇᖇ¡·g]
Hope is winged —
one wing faith-patience
the other action-effort
We must fly with both wings!
~Terri Guillemets
He that lives upon hope will die fasting. ~Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack
Don't just settle for hope —
you are the keeper of an amazing
silken, glowing, infinite-wingspan,
soaring, heart-wildly-beating,
singing-out-loud, unstoppable
faith, courage, fortitude, spirit & soul
that light your life from the inside out!
~Terri Guillemets, 'You,' 2006
When you say a situation or a person is hopeless, you're slamming the door in the face of God. ~Charles L. Allen
Hope is betting on the future. ~Terri Guillemets
Though you lose all hope, there is still hope, and it loves to surprise. ~Robert Brault, rbrault.blogspot.com
Let hope be your pulse
Faith in every heartbeat
Joy with every breath...
~Terri Guillemets
Never deprive someone of hope — it may be all they have. ~Author unknown
Hope is warmth against the cold winter of adversity. ~Terri Guillemets
Some see a hopeless end, while others see an endless hope. ~Author unknown
Hope is the silver lining of dreams. ~Terri Guillemets
...the fairy dust of poetry and glittery hope of dreams... ~Terri Guillemets
I believe in faith and hope, although as the years go by, I find myself putting a little less faith in hope and a little more hope in faith. ~Robert Brault, rbrault.blogspot.com
We hope with every breath. We love with every smile. ~Terri Guillemets, 'Relative distance,' 2005
We assuredly do not deny that the physiological observer would have seen there an irremediable misery; he would probably have pitied this patient of the law, but he would not have even attempted a cure: he would have turned away from the caverns he noticed in this soul, and, like Dante at the gates of the Inferno, he would have effaced from this existence that word which GOD, however, has written on the brow of every man: hope! ~Victor Hugo, Les Misérables, 1862, translated by Lascelles Wraxall, 1887
I still believe in some faraway place where it's all okay. ~Terri Guillemets, 'Beyond the horizon,' 1989

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