Plotsquared Commands Minecraft

Plotsquared Commands Minecraft Average ratng: 3,3/5 9346 reviews
Plotsquared Commands Minecraft

Create recently switched from PlotMe to PlotSquared which gives players some useful features listed below. I'm only posting NEW commands as most PlotMe commands overlap with PlotSquared. PlotSquared Player Commands: /plot info - Brings up new categories such as Members, Trusted,.


Minecraft Plotsquared Commands


Plotsquared Commands Minecraft 1.12.2

  • HoloPlots (Holograms instead of signs)Plot2Dynmap (Dynmap addon)PlotSquaredExpansion (PlaceholderAPI extension)Web interface (Instead of using the public one)PlotUpload - web interface for searching plots.
  • I own a Minecraft Server with PlotSquared v5 and WorldEdit and I am trying to give players the permission to use WorldEdit within their owned plots. I set plots.worldedit.bypass to true and gave players basic PlotSquared commands, so /plot toggle worldedit is a working command now.

Plotsquared Commands Minecraft Server

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Essentials Commands

A listing of all the commands avaliable with the essentials plugin. Under usage, items enclosed in < and > are required while items in [ and ] are optional. The group permission column lists the minimum necessary permission to use the command (or certain aspects of the command).
CategoryCommandAliasesDescriptionUsageGroup Permission
CategoryCommandAliasesDescriptionUsageGroup Permission
Cheat bigtree Spawns a big tree /bigtree <tree redwood> Admin
Cheat enchant enchantment Enchants the item the user is holding /enchant [enchantment name] [level] Admin
Cheat break Breaks the block you're looking at /break Architect
Cheat fly Allows for creative mode fly /fly [player] Architect (Admin for use on others)
Cheat gamemode gm, creative, creativemode Change player's gamemode /gamemode [player] Admin
Cheat feed eat Satisfy hunger /feed [player] Architect (Admin for use on others)
Cheat god godmode, tgm Toggles god mode /god [player] Admin
Cheat heal Heals a player /heal [player] Architect (Admin for use on others)
Cheat item i Gives yourself specified item /item <item item:damage value> [amount] [enchant:level...} Architect (Admin for spawning items on blacklist)
Cheat give Give another player an item /give <player> <item item:damge value> [amount] [enchant:level...] Admin
Cheat kit kits Spawns a predefined kit /kit [kit name] [player name] Builder (For starter kit - TODO)
Cheat more Fills the item stack in hand to maximum size /more Architect
Cheat ptime playertime Change the players time /ptime [list reset day night dawn 17:30 4pm 4000ticks] <player *> Architect (Admin for others)
Cheat tree spawns a tree /tree Admin
Cheat repair fix Repairs the durability of all or one item /repair [hand all] Admin
Cheat time day, night Change or display the server time /time [day night dawn 17:30 4pm 4000ticks] [worldname all] Default for display time (Admin for set time)
Cheat unlimited ul Allows unlimited placing of items. /unlimited <list item clear> [player] Admin
Economy balance bal, money Gives the current balance of a player /balance [player name] Builder (Admin for others)
Economy balancetop baltop Displays the top account balances /balancetop [page] Builder
Economy pay Pays a specified player from your balance /pay <player> <amount> Builder
Economy sell Sells an item with an amount specified /sell <itemname id> [amount]; /sell <hand invent blocks> (providing invent/blocks loops through items in your inventory; providing a negative number for amount will sell all but that number) Builder
Economy worth price Displays how much an item is worth /worth [item [amount]] Builder
General afk Set your status as AFK (disables picking up drops, disables moving, prevents damage, eventual kick from server) /afk [player name] Default (Admin for exempt from kick and afk others)
General compass direction displays your current bearing in the world /compass Default
General depth Displays your current block depth /depth Default
General getpos coords, position Displays your current coordinate location in the world /getpos [player] Default (Builder for other players, Admin for hidden players)
General help Displays the help commands for essentials and other plugins /help [searchitem] [2;3;4;5; etc...] Default
General helpop Requests help from online staff /helpop <message> Moderator
General ignore Ignore a player (block chat, mail and tp requests) /ignore <player> Default
General info ifo, news, eabout Allows you to see information about the server /info <page number/chapter> Default
General itemdb Searches for an item /itemdb [search term] Builder
General list who, playerlist, online, plist Lists the players online and how many slots left /list Default
General mail Allows you to send and receive mail (used for players offline) /mail [read clear send [to] [message] sendall [message]] Default
General me action, describe Allows you to emote /me <emote message. Default
General motd Displays the MOTD (Message of the Day - the welcome message you see on connect) /motd Default
General msg tell, m, t, whisper Send a private message to another player /msg <player> <message> Default (Builder for url links)
General near nearby List players who are nearby /near [radius]; /near <playername> [radius] Default
General nick Changes your display name /nick <player> <nick off> Builder (Moderator for others)
General powertool pt Assigns a command to the item in hand /powertool [command [arguments]]; /powertool c:<chat message>; /powertool [a/r:]<command> <arguments>; /powertool [d/l]: (Providing an empty argument removes the assigned command from the tool; the c: command makes a chat macro; use the a: command to append commands; use r: to remove a single command; use l: to list all power tools; use d: to remove all power tools. Using the string {player} will be replaced by the player you click). Architect
General powertooltoggle ptt, pttoggle Enables or disables all current power tools /powertooltoggle Admin
General r reply Quick reply to the last player to message you /r <message> Default (Builder for url links)
General realname Allows you to see a player's real username if they are using a nickname /realname <player> Moderator
General rules Displays the rules /rules <page number> Default
General seen Check when a player was last online /seen <player> Default (Moderator for ban reason)
General spawner Change the mob type of a spawner /spawner <mob> Architect
General whois Displays player information. /whois <nickname playername> Builder (Admin for hidden players)
Admin backup Runs the backup command defined in the config file. /backup Moderator
Admin ban Bans a specified player /ban <player name> <reason> Moderator (Admin for offline banning)
Admin banip Bans a players IP /banip <player name IP address> Admin
Admin broadcast bcast Broadcast to all players /broadcast <message> Moderator
Admin clearinventory ci, clearinvent Clears a players inventory /clearinventory [player] Builder (Admin for other players)
Admin deljail Deletes a jail /deljail <jail name> Admin
Admin /essentials Reloads the essentials config and returns the essentials version number /essentials [reload debug] Admin
Admin ext extinguish Extinguish a player who is on fire /ext <player name> Admin
Admin gc mem, memory Displays the server usage information /gc Admin
Admin invsee See the inventory of other players /invsee [player name] Builder (Admin for modify)
Admin jails Lists all jails /jails Builder
Admin kick Kicks a player off the server /kick <player name> [reason] Moderator
Admin kickall Kicks all the players off the server /kickall [reason Admin
Admin kill Kills a player even if death event cancels on server /kill <player name> Admin
Admin killall butcher Kill all or local mobs /killall [mob type] <radius> Admin
Admin mute Mutes or un-mutes a specified player /mute <player name> [time] Moderator
Admin ping pong, echo Replies pong to generally make sure Essentials.jar is working correctly /ping Admin
Admin remove Removes entities in your world /remove <drops arrows boats minecarts xp paintings> [radius] Admin
Admin setjail Creates a new jail at the location /setjail <jail name> Admin
Admin spawnmob Allows you to spawn a specified mob with an optional amount /spawnmob <mob> [amount] [player]; /spawnmob <mob>:<data> [amount] [player]; /spawnmob <mob>,<mob> [amount] [player] Admin
Admin sudo Make another user performa command /sudo <player> <command [args]> Admin
Admin tempban Temporary bans a specified player /tempban <player name> <time> Moderator
Admin togglejail tjail, unjail Sends/Removes a player from jail /togglejail <player> <jail name> [time]; /togglejail <player> [time] Moderator
Admin unban pardon Unbans a player /unban <player name> Moderator
Admin unbanip pardonip Unbans a players IP address /unbanip <player name IP address> Moderator
Admin weather sky, sun, storm Manipulates the weather /weather <storm sun> <duration> Admin
Spawn setspawn Sets the spawn location /setspawn [group] Admin
Spawn spawn Teleports you to your spawn /spawn [player] Default
Teleport back return Returns you to your last position after a teleport or a safe position after death /back Builder
Teleport delhome remhome, rmhome Removes a home /delhome <name>, /delhome <player nick>:<name> Builder (Admin for deleting other players homes)
Teleport delwarp remwarp, rmwarp Removes a warp location by warp name /delhome <warp name> Moderator
Teleport home homes Teleports you home. /home [name]; /home <player nick>:[home] Builder
Teleport jump j, jumpto Teleports you to the spot you select (Direct line of sight in your crosshair) /jump Admin
Teleport sethome Set your home location (Players can have a maximum of 5 homes) /sethome [name]; /sethome <player nick>:[name] Builder (Admin for setting homes for others)
Teleport setwarp createwarp Defines a new warp location /setwarp <warp name> Architect
Teleport top Teleports you to the highest block at your current location /top Architect
Teleport tpa call, tpask Ask the player if you can teleport to them /tpa <player to teleport TO> Default
Teleport tp tele, tp2p, teleport Teleport directly to player /tp <player to teleport TO>; /tp <player1> <player2> Moderator (Admin for teleporting others)
Teleport tpaall Request all players online to teleport to you /tpaall [player] Moderator
Teleport tpaccept tpyes Accept a /tpa request /tpaccept [player] Default
Teleport tpahere Asks the specified player to accept transport to your location /tpahere <player to teleport to YOURSELF> Builder
Teleport tpall Teleports all connected players /tpall [player] Admin
Teleport tpdeny tpno Deny a /tpa request /tpdeny Default
Teleport tphere s Teleport player directly to you /tphere <player to teleport to YOURSELF> Admin
Teleport tpo Overrides player preferences and teleports you to a player /tpo <player to teleport TO> Moderator
Teleport tpohere Overrides player preferences and teleports player to you /tpohere <player to teleport to YOURSELF> Admin
Teleport tppos Teleports you directly to a location /tppos <x> <y> <z> [yaw] [pitch] Architect
Teleport tptoggle Toggles players ability to teleport to you /tptoggle Default
Teleport warp warps Warps you to a preset location and displays a list of all warp locations (if no arguments are provided) /warp [warp name [player]] Default (Admin for warping other players)
Teleport world Allows you to teleport to another world /world <nether normal 0;1;2;3;etc...> Admin
Showing 96 items
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