Casino 1995 Jerry Vale

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  1. Casino 1995 Jerry Valentine
  2. Youtube Jerry Vale
  3. Casino 1995 Jerry Vale
  4. Jerry Vale Songs

The inner-workings of a corrupt Las Vegas casino are exposed in Martin Scorsese's story of crime and punishment. The film chronicles the lives and times of three characters: 'Ace' Rothstein (Robert De Niro), a bookmaking wizard; Nicky Santoro (Joe Pesci), a Mafia underboss and longtime best friend to Ace; and Ginger McKenna (Sharon Stone, in a role she was born to play), a leggy ex-prostitute.

Jerry Vale's beautiful high-tenor voice graced many of the most enchanting pop songs of the '50s and '60s, including a parade of Italian-American favorites like 'Innamorata (Sweetheart),' 'Volare,' 'Amore, Scusami,' and his signature song, 'Al Di La.' Vale, born Genaro Louis Vitaliano in 1932, learned the Italian repertoire from an early age; his mother often sang around the house and trotted. Jerry Vale's beautiful high-tenor voice graced many of the most enchanting pop songs of the '50s and '60s, including a parade of Italian-American favorites like 'Innamorata (Sweetheart),' 'Volare,' 'Amore, Scusami,' and his signature song, 'Al Di La.' Vale, born Genaro Louis Vitaliano in 1932, learned the Italian repertoire from an early age; his mother often sang around the house and trotted. Full Cast & Crew: Casino (1995) Cast (168) Robert De Niro. Sam 'Ace' Rothstein Sharon Stone. Jerry Vale Joseph Rigano. Vincent Borelli Catherine Scorsese. He also made stellar cameo appearances as himself in the 1990 film Goodfellas and the 1995 film Casino, both directed by Martin Scorsese, lending the film an added layer of authenticity. Vale was a friend of Frank Sinatra and an honorary pallbearer at Sinatra's.

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