Ocasio Cortez Orange

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  1. Ocasio-cortez Is An Idiot
  2. Riley Roberts
  3. Ocasio-cortez Net Worth

WASHINGTON - A Texas man faces federal charges after this month's Capitol Riot and subsequent death threats to a police officer and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). Garret Miller of Dallas. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s fans and enemies are inventing a new kind of politics: fandoms and anti-fandoms that drive how we bond over candidates online. Today’s Instagram sticker is the new campaign button.

  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Memes and Jokes. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Memes Please steal and share these AOC memes. AoC wants to tax the rich.
  • Dear Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, First, we want to congratulate you on your win.Slow golf clap. You successfully demonstrated that if you rally together enough low-education voters and millennials and convince them that socialism looks like a well-endowed woman giving out whatever you want for free, you can sit in Congress with grownups.

A tweet about a congresswoman-elect’s clothing is getting mercilessly mocked on the internet.

On Thursday, Washington Examiner politics and media writer Eddie Scarry tweeted a snapshot of newly elected Democratic Rep. of New York Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, near Capitol Hill on Thursday.

“Hill staffer sent me this pic of Ocasio-Cortez they took just now. I’ll tell you something: that jacket and coat don’t look like a girl who struggle,” read the tweet that has since been deleted.

Whatever his intentions were with the remark, it appeared to some that he was weighing in on Ocasio-Cortez’ recent comments about not being able to afford to rent for an apartment in Washington, D.C. until her job officially begins in the new year.

The incoming congresswoman’s finances became a topic of discussion after she discussed them with The New York Times.

Ocasio-cortez net worth

As might be expected, Scarry’s comment was met with plenty of criticism online, as people endeavored to shut him down, getting him ratio’d.

Addressing the backlash, Scarry later tweeted that he only meant to say that she looked “well put together,” but it was misinterpreted.

Ocasio-Cortez also responded, saying “If I walk in with my best sale-rack clothes, they laugh & take a picture of my backside. Dark hates light – that’s why you tune it out.”

The original observation was recast in the form of light memes as people used his comment to caption some hilarious wintry getups. You better believe that noted wearers of coats beloved by the internet like Fantastic Beasts actor Ezra Miller, Seinfeld’s George Costanza, and Lenny Kravitz made an appearance.

Here are some of the lighter takes.

Even a notorious New York City duck was in the mix.

Puffy jackets are an internet favorite. Most recently, Kendall Jenner’s Super Puff jacket spawned a meme.

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez celebrartes with supporters at a victory party in the Bronx after upsetting incumbent Democratic Representative Joseph Crowley. Photo: Getty Images

Who is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? After the primary elections in New York Tuesday night, the internet is abuzz with talk of this one particular New Yorker. Here’s what you need to know.

Who is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

Ocasio-Cortez is a 28-year-old New Yorker who was born in the Bronx to Puerto Rican parents — her mother was born in Puerto Rico and her father in the Bronx. She grew up in a working-class household, she notes on her website, where her father was a small business owner, her mother cleaned homes and everyone pitched in.

Ocasio-Cortez attended public school 40 minutes north of the Bronx in Yorktown. That 40-minute commute opened her eyes to the effects of income inequality. To her, the commute represented “a vastly different quality of available schooling, economic opportunity, and health outcomes.”

In 2008, her father died of cancer and her family was thrown into a financial crisis. To support her mother, Ocasio-Cortez worked “two jobs and 18-hour shifts in restaurants to help her family keep their home.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez primary election win

Here’s why everyone is talking about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: On Tuesday, she defeated incumbent Joseph Crowley in the New York congressional primary election.

Rep. Crowley, 56, is the fourth-highest ranking Democrat in the House, chair of the House Democratic Caucus and the Queens Democratic Party and was thought by many to be the next speaker of the House. He’s served in Congress since 1999 and hasn’t had a primary challenger in 14 years.

Enter Ocasio-Cortez: she beat out Crowley in the primary for New York’s 14th District, which covers the eastern Bronx and north-central Queens. Ocasio-Cortez won with 57.5 percent of the vote. If she wins in November, she’ll be the youngest person in Congress.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez political views

Ocasio-Cortez is a Democratic Socialist, and she campaigned on several progressive issues. She wants Medicare for all, a federal jobs guarantee program which would provide a baseline of $15-an-hour minimum wage and a benefits package, and tuition-free public college and trade schools.

She wants to abolish ICE, calling for immigration justice that provides a path to citizenship, she advocates for criminal justice reform and the end to for-profit prisons, an assault-weapons ban and more action against climate change.

Ocasio-Cortez also wants more solidarity with Puerto Rico. She laid out a plan on her website for actions like the cancellation of the island Wall Street debt, community-led recovery initiatives and a Marshall Plan to help Puerto Rico not just recover from Hurricane Maria but improve with modern infrastructure.

Ocasio Cortez Orange

Ocasio-cortez Is An Idiot

And, of course, she’s fighting for women’s rights — she’s called out news articles that refused to put her name in headlines and ran a campaign video in which she says, “Women like me aren’t supposed to run for office.”

It’s time for a New York that works for all of us.

On June 26th, we can make it happen – but only if we have the #CourageToChange.

It’s time to get to work. Please retweet this video and sign up to knock doors + more at https://t.co/kacKFI9RtI to bring our movement to Congress. pic.twitter.com/aqKMjovEjZ

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@Ocasio2018) May 30, 2018

What did Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez do before her run for Congress?

Though a political newcomer, Ocasio-Cortez does have some experience in the political world. She organized for Sen. Bernie Sanders during his run for the 2016 presidential primary. She worked with high school students as an Educational Director with National Hispanic Institute and spearheaded projects to improve childhood literacy and writing in the Bronx.

Riley Roberts

On election day, she retweeted a photo that showed her working as a bartender — from one year ago, Nov. 2017.

This photo is from Nov. 14, 2017. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 28, was then working as a bartender.

Less than a year later, she defeated the likely next Speaker of the House, and will almost certainly be the youngest woman ever elected to Congress pic.twitter.com/JgHjdQWAF6

Ocasio-cortez Net Worth

— Jeff Stein (@JStein_WaPo) June 27, 2018

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